How We Can Work Together
Stay or Go
Support, Information & Clarity to Make an Informed Decision
If you are considering divorce, you may be feeling a rollercoaster of emotions. You may be uncertain, confused, and overwhelmed, which often leads to being frozen in inaction. Sitting on the fence on this issue is draining and not serving either end – whether that be working on the marriage or moving forward toward a new reality.
This can be a very isolating time and without the right support, the effects of these feelings can bleed over into other areas of your life and wreak havoc on your emotional, mental, and even physical well-being. You can talk to your family and friends, but they often have their own biased opinions about your situation they feel free to share and may not provide you a safe, neutral space to help you process your feelings or share sensitive information confidentially.
Imagine . . .
- Finding the emotional peace that comes from thoughtfully and honestly examining all facets of this critical decision like a diamond. You’ll know you gave this big decision the thoughtful consideration it’s due.
- Getting the answers you need to calm your fears about your options.
- Having a roadmap to your next steps, regardless of which fork in the road you choose.
Exit Strategy
Get Prepared to Make a Smart Exit
You’ve already made the decision to divorce, but the next steps seem confusing and overwhelming. The next decisions you make in this process are critical and can impact the trajectory of your divorce case and level of conflict. I walk you through my simple, 5-step process to prepare to make a smart exit from the marriage in a way that has you putting your best foot forward toward your divorce goals.
Go from overwhelmed about what your next step is to moving forward with confidence and clarity, while protecting yourself. Don’t walk this confusing and isolating path alone.
Imagine . . .
- Feeling clear on where you want to be at the end of the divorce
- Having a strategic roadmap on how to get there
- Understanding the legal process options you have to choose from
- Knowing who you want on your divorce team as support
- Having organized the logistics for your next steps and planned for any safety concerns
- Being prepared to talk to your spouse and your kids about your decision
- Moving forward with confidence
Pre-Mediation Coaching
Prepare to Successfully Engage in Divorce Mediation
You know you want to resolve your divorce with as little damage to yourself, your family, and your bank account as possible.
You’ve heard divorce mediation may be the way to go.
But you’re about to embark on a legal process you don’t know much about.
And make high-stakes decisions on critical issues that will affect your future for years to come at a time when intense emotions may be making it challenging to see your situation objectively or stay at the negotiating table.
And you don’t know what’s reasonable to ask for in terms of a settlement.
You want to get this right. But you’re not sure how or where to start.
That’s okay. You’re not supposed to know how already.
Don’t waste time, money, and effort going into mediation unprepared. As the saying goes . . .
“If you fail to prepare, you’re preparing to fail.”
Step into the mediation room with confidence that . . .
- You understand and can navigate the mediation process.
- You know what you’ll be asking for as a resolution.
- You have a plan for obtaining the results most important to you.
- You can advocate for yourself and negotiate the issues in dispute.
- You know what to do when emotions run high and conflict ramps up.
Learn more about my mediation coaching program HERE.
1 – Stay or Go
Support, Information & Clarity to Make an Informed Decision
If you are considering divorce, you may be feeling a rollercoaster of emotions. You may be uncertain, confused, and overwhelmed, which often leads to being frozen in inaction. Sitting on the fence on this issue is draining and not serving either end – whether that be working on the marriage or moving forward toward a new reality.
This can be a very isolating time and without the right support, the effects of these feelings can bleed over into other areas of your life and wreak havoc on your emotional, mental, and even physical well-being. You can talk to your family and friends, but they often have their own biased opinions about your situation they feel free to share and may not provide you a safe, neutral space to help you process your feelings or share sensitive information confidentially.
Imagine . . .
- Finding the emotional peace that comes from thoughtfully and honestly examining all facets of this critical decision like a diamond. You’ll know you gave this big decision the thoughtful consideration it’s due.
- Getting the answers you need to calm your fears about your options.
- Having a roadmap to your next steps, regardless of which fork in the road you choose.
2 – Exit Strategy
Get Prepared to Make a Smart Exit
You’ve already made the decision to divorce, but the next steps seem confusing and overwhelming. The next decisions you make in this process are critical and can impact the trajectory of your divorce case and level of conflict. I walk you through my simple, 5-step process to prepare to make a smart exit from the marriage in a way that has you putting your best foot forward toward your divorce goals.
Go from overwhelmed about what your next step is to moving forward with confidence and clarity, while protecting yourself. Don’t walk this confusing and isolating path alone.
Imagine . . .
- Feeling clear on where you want to be at the end of the divorce
- Having a strategic roadmap on how to get there
- Understanding the legal process options you have to choose from
- Knowing who you want on your divorce team as support
- Having organized the logistics for your next steps and planned for any safety concerns
- Being prepared to talk to your spouse and your kids about your decision
- Moving forward with confidence
3 – Mediation Coaching
Prepare to Successfully Engage in Divorce Mediation
You know you want to resolve your divorce with as little damage to yourself, your family, and your bank account as possible.
You’ve heard divorce mediation may be the way to go.
But you’re about to embark on a legal process you don’t know much about.
And make high-stakes decisions on critical issues that will affect your future for years to come at a time when intense emotions may be making it challenging to see your situation objectively or stay at the negotiating table.
And you don’t know what’s reasonable to ask for in terms of a settlement.
You want to get this right. But you’re not sure how or where to start.
That’s okay. You’re not supposed to know how already.
Don’t waste time, money, and effort going into mediation unprepared. As the saying goes . . .
“If you fail to prepare, you’re preparing to fail.”
Step into the mediation room with confidence that . . .
- You understand and can navigate the mediation process.
- You know what you’ll be asking for as a resolution.
- You have a plan for obtaining the results most important to you.
- You can advocate for yourself and negotiate the issues in dispute.
- You know what to do when emotions run high and conflict ramps up.
Learn more about my mediation coaching program HERE.
Get In Touch with Lauren
Schedule a Consultation
During our 30-minute consultation call, we will discuss what brings you to the call and explore what you would like to achieve through coaching. Then, we will look at whether it makes sense to work together, and I will share the details of the coaching package options that suit your personal situation.